Most sapphires are blue and come in various shades of blue. Like the clear blue sky, sapphires symbolize clear thinking, truth and sincerity. Some sapphires even have a star, just like the sky at dusk!
In the book An Earth Child's Book of the Year, go to September and find the word sapphire in the text. What is the word referring to? Can you find the sapphire birth stone somewhere in the pictures?
Your birth flowers are ASTERand MORNING GLORY
In the book An Earth Child's Book of the Year, . . . .
The bright blue morning glory is Marigold's favorite flower. Marigold is the little girl in the book with red pigtails. Read about her on the Meet the Earth Children page.
Morning glories remind us that summer is not over yet, even in September, with it's symbolism of love, affection, and magic. Asters also bloom bright and true in the fall, elegant yet delicate in the cooling air. They remind us that life and love are still running strong.
August 5 to September 2 Your Celtic Tree is HAZEL
The hazel tree bears delicious nuts, considered in ancient times to be sources of wisdom and creativity. The hazel tree represents a person's intuition, that part of each of us deep inside that feels and knows the truth of things. Listening to your inner heart, your intuition, leads to creativity and expression in many areas of your life, not to mention wise choices.
September 3 to October 27 Your Celtic Tree is VINE
Vines are beautiful, flowing plants that reach and twist. Their free flowing form reminds us to relax and meditate. To think deeply and listen to our inner thoughts. To reflect on life and how best to live it.
And is September 30 Your Celtic Tree is IVY
Ivy grows and climbs along walls and fences. It attaches itself to the surface with tiny grabbers. You may even find buildings that are beautifully covered with ivy. The ivy teaches us determination, to have patience and to accept change.