The fresh green of emeralds remind us that spring has truly come in May. Emeralds symbolize new life and rebirth. Inside many emeralds are little cracks that make them look like they have tiny gardens growing inside of them. The ancient Egyptians mined in the desert for emeralds because they were beautiful Cleopatra's favorite jewel. They even buried emeralds with their dead, reminding them of eternal life or rebirth. The Roman goddess of love and beauty, Venus, also is said to have chosen the emerald as her favorite.
In May, in the bookAn Earth Child's Book of the Year, where is the emerald hidden in the picture and the word "emerald" in the text?
Both flowers speak of happiness or the return of happiness, like glowing warm spring after dark, cold winter. Humility, hope, thankfulness, and healing are other meanings for these flowers. What do these flowers tell you about your deepest heart?
In the bookAn Earth Child's Book of the Year, you'll find lily of the valley, the flower of the fairies on the May pages! How are the fairies using the flowers?
Read the poem about the Hawthorn in An Earth Child's Book of Verse.
April 15 to May 12 Your Celtic Tree is WILLOW
The willow is a complicated tree. It is connected to enchantment and magic, beautiful and mysterious things. Willow also represents change, death and loss, which, of course, leads to something new. It grows near water, which is always flowing and changing, the old washing away and the new flowing in. Willow children can often accept loss and change. They have the ability to be both strong and flexible, adapting themselves to change.
In An Earth Child's Book of the Year, in May, the willow tree is the lookout for what magical place?
May 13 to June 9 Your Celtic Tree is HAWTHORN
In an Earth Child's Book of Verse, there is a poem about wrapping ribbons around the hawthorn tree. This is an ancient custom celebrating spring when the people danced around the tree, weaving colored ribbons to create the Maypole. The hawthorn tree stands for hope, pleasure, balancing energy, and the coming of summer.